7TH EDITION: Corporate Governance & Improving Board Effectiveness 2018, Singapore
This program will address key corporate governance issues faced by boards and principal board committees. Public companies and their directors and officers face increasing responsibilities, and even increased risk of liability. They are also under intense scrutiny and in at least some cases significant pressure from investors and regulators. Changing investor expectations and increased investor willingness to seek or force change, through activist campaigns and other methods, have changed the environment in which directors and officers and their advisers operate. These developments have been complicated by significant legal and regulatory changes, including evolving standards under Delaware law and SEC and other federal developments in rulemaking and enforcement.
Corporate governance provides the framework within which directors and officers must operate in fulfilling their responsibilities. In-house and outside advisers are called on both to provide day-to-day counselling and to address crisis situations in the corporate governance context. Our program will both highlight the fast-moving market and legal and regulatory developments that directors, officers and their advisers face, as well as provide practical guidance as to how to address them.
The evolving enforcement world, including the importance of whistle - blowers and the unclear guideposts for cooperation
Cybersecurity - you may be tired of talking about it, but it is still a hot issue for nearly all companies
How does the Compensation Committee successfully design, explain and defend a compensation program with today’s ever-changing expectations and “say-on-pay” votes?
Evolution of compliance oversight--the role of the Audit Committee, other committees and the Board
Board composition - refreshment, diversity, continuity and strategic vision
The challenges and opportunities facing directors and boards, and how they should be addressed.
The distinction between direction and management,and how to create more competent directors and more effective boards.
The differing conduct of successful and unsuccessful boards and how to develop a winning boardroom team.
Identify the relevant legislation of the Companies Act and the applicable guidelines of corporate governance codes of conduct best practices.
Typical obstacles to director contribution and board effectiveness and how they can be overcome
Who Should Attend
• Chairman
• Director
• Chief Internal Auditor
• Chief Risk Officer
• Head of Compliance
• Head of Finance / CFO
• Head of Fraud & Inspection
• Head of Vigilance
• HR Directors
• Secretary to Boards
• Executive
• Company Secretaries
• Audit Committee Chairs & Members
• Regulators
• Corporate Governance Professionals
To know more about the workshop